Illuminate WP


Illuminate WP was founded out of passion and necessity. Working as a freelance WordPress developer, Clint Warren found that one of the most enjoyable parts of his job was training clients how to use their websites. He also discovered how much he enjoyed presenting information at WordPress groups and helping others. Requests continually came in for stand-alone WordPress training, specifically for beginners. Over time he began to piece together documentation he had been giving clients – screencasts and written material providing explanations of how to use their site. He finally bit the bullet and decided to get everyone who wants to learn in one place, aiming to provide the most comprehensive WordPress learning experience available. Knowing he wouldn’t be able to realize his dream alone, Clint pieced together a team of amazing individuals, each rockstars in their own fields, to help with all aspects of the business.

Currently Illuminate offers in person workshops on how to use WordPress and SEO for WordPress. Upcoming courses can be found here.


Illuminate WP is dedicated to providing the most comprehensive, engaging, and enjoyable WordPress learning experience available through in-person seminars, online webinars, printed and digital training materials, and paid membership tutorials. We aim to distinguish ourselves by the depth of our material, passion behind the work, expertise of the teachers, and cutting edge webinar technology. We try to cater to all styles of learning, incorporating each style into all of our courses.